In this episode, we dive deep into the latest research and trends to help you navigate the ever-evolving world of management, social sciences and education. Today, we’re breaking down a fascinating study that my colleague Mattis Altmann from the TU Dresden and I presented at the GeNeMe 2023 conference titled “Exploring Critical Learning Incidents in Collaborative Online International Learning: Implications for Digital Readiness and Learning Design.” Through self-reflection journals, we captured the essence of students’ positive and negative perceptions. The study underscored the importance of formative feedback, the potential of design-based teaching, and the profound impact of ‘Critical Learning Incidents’ on a student’s journey.
Altmann, M., & Arnold, M. (in print). Exploring Critical Learning Incidents in Collaborative Online International Learning: Implications for Digital Readiness and Learning Design. In In T. Köhler, E. Schoop, N. Kahnwald, & R. Sonntag (Hrsg.), Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien. Inklusiv Digital: Gemeinschaft offen gestalten – Selbstbestimmte Teilhabe an der digitalen Transformation. 26. Workshop GeNeMe‘23 Gemeinschaften in Neuen Medien. Dresden: TUDPress.
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